Monday, October 13, 2008

Letting the sunshine in...

Today has been a DAY! In every sense of the word....go ahead, use your imaginiation! But I had to share with you something I just read on Beth Moore's blog. She wrote, "God has overruled my weaknesses with His power and faithfulness."

I don't think that I have cried so much in a single day in MONTHS. MONTHS I tell you! And I know that some of you may not be surprised to hear that I cried about something, it was quite a surprise to me. Because, dear ones, I have been having serious discussions with the Lord over the past several months regarding my tendency to shed a tear at the drop of a hat.

And I will tell you that God has so honored my prayers to not be so stinkin' emotional about every single little thing that happens. But there are still some days when I think to myself, who turned on the faucet??? This is absolutely ridiculous!

And today was one of those days.

My morning did not start off with my usual Wrex snuggle, instead I woke up to Zoe barking her head off at the garbage truck.

And then I went and got dressed and on my way to work I realized that my shirt is something very Angela-esque - you know, Angela from The Office. (If you don't know who that is, then we obviously aren't that great of friends :) ) It has all kinds of ruffles on it, and normally I am a very conservative dresser, this is a little out there for me. And as I got out of my car at QT I realized how ridiculous it looks. Sure it was cute on the hanger, but on, nope.

I know that those may sound like sort of trivial let me introduce you to the layers upon layers of what I would call "messes" that I keep finding myself, and people that I love, in lately.

It seems that every which way I turn, that area of my life is up in the air. And God has faithfully been giving me peace in the midst of some of the most trying and frustrating situations that I have ever experienced, but then at other times I feel like this season of life is NEVER going to end.

On Friday I came home, an absolute mess. And my ever-honest husband said to me, Has God left you? Has He taken His hand away from you? And I knew the answer was no. I knew that that would never ever be the case. So a big shout out to my husband who spoke the truth in love to me when I needed to hear it most. Anthony gently reminded me that I don't want to end up like the Israelites who died in the wilderness after whining, complaining and most importantly not believing that God was able to lead them victoriously into their promised land.

So today, as I am struggling against all of these crazy emotions, I am so so so very thankful that God in His mercy has overruled my weaknesses with His power and faithfulness. Today I really needed it.


Kim Wells said...

I love you & am praying daily for you and Anthony. You are a diamond in the rough, baby sister & I admire you more than you will probably ever know! Keep on keeping on - the sun will shine again.

Mandy Crowell said...

I lov eyou as well, and KNOW, KNOW, KNOW God is bringing you through this trial to bring about your character and completeness in him. I love James 1 because it speaks to how we are to be in trials and how Christ regards our suffering during them. Stay strong my sister and remember that you are loved by the one who created and breathed life into you. He will never leave your side, nor forsake you. Lean onto HIS understanding and He will direct your path unto righteousness.

You WILL get through this season..I have been there so many times and can speak as a little older woman, that it will seem neverending, but one day you will look back at the lessons learned and strengh gained and thank the Lord for allowing you to experience Him in a totally different and more intimate way.

And I bet you looked cuter in the blouse than you thought! Try it with a pinstripe vest or under a plain swing or velor/velvet jacket to balance the "cuteness" factor, if you still feel it's too much!