Some of you may have read a blog that I posted earlier today, Cloudy. I have deleted the original blog, after it was brought to my attention that some of what I said had been or could be misinterpreted. I have to be honest and tell you that, as my blog titles suggest, today is cloudy for me. I am finding so many things very upsetting, and discovering some deep seated feelings, frustrations and.....feeling absolutely overwhelmed by everything that is going in my life presently. Which if you know me, you know that includes every possible situation with every single person in my life being a jumbled mess.
So, you can probably imagine that finding out that my blog this morning was felt to be too sent me into experiencing tidal waves of emotion - ranging from terribly hurt to I just won't blog at all anymore. You can see how long the latter lasted....
So if you are reading this, would you pray for me today? I am in a very cloudy place.
Hey girl
I didn't read your blog, but I'm very sorry that your honesty was apparently felt to be too much by some people. I know that can be a frustrating experience to feel like people are judging you for just telling it like it is.
Hang in there and know I would NEVER judge you for being human and having a bad day and I am praying the Lord would give you a peace and strength to find some clarity on your "cloudy" day.
Thanks Mandy, you know the worst part is that I know that it was not the blog situation alone that made me so upset....but everything else. And after a few hours of getting perspective, I am feeling much better. Thanks for your prayers!
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